006. Just decide! Stop your stories.

Patanjali, revered as a pragmatist, guides us through this journey, emphasizing that yoga transcends religious boundaries and invites us to explore the depths of consciousness.

At its core, yoga begins with the profound acknowledgment of "NOW," encapsulated in the term "Atha." It's a simple decision that creates our commitment to cultivating knowledge from within, laying the foundation for self-discovery and growth.

Patanjali's methodical approach introduces us to key concepts, offering clear definitions illuminating the path ahead.

Patanjali's teachings is encapsulated in Yoga Sutra 1:2: "yoga chitta vritti nirodhah," which urges us to still the ceaseless whirlwind of thoughts and stories that often dominate our minds – the tornado of the mind stuff.

Through yoga practice, we learn to silence the incessant chatter, paving the way for clarity and insight.

Embracing the essence of "NOW," we make a conscious decision to integrate and align our actions with our inner truth.

This deliberate choice propels us forward with unwavering determination, free from the shackles of regret or remorse. As we embark on this transformative journey, we relinquish the burdens of the past and immerse ourselves fully in the present moment, ready to embrace the profound wisdom that unfolds.


007. “$90 for $90 Days” - Jeff's path out of EMS


005. Bring forth what is within you.