015. Where is your focus?

Patanjali's teachings illuminate the path to organizing our mind, offering a roadmap to inner harmony and clarity. Through diligent practice, we can attain the transformative "tada" moment—a state where we reside in our true nature, free from the constraints of mental fluctuations. This process involves gaining control over the stories that populate our minds, channelizing our thoughts, and uncovering the truth of who we are at our core.

Socrates echoed a similar sentiment with his famous statement, "Know thyself," emphasizing the importance of self-knowledge in leading a fulfilling life. Despite the confusion surrounding the interpretation of Ashtanga Yoga, introduced by Pattabhi Jois, his teachings contain invaluable insights.

By focusing on posture, breathing, and point of concentration—collectively known as "tristhana"—we can expand these principles beyond the mat and integrate them into our daily lives. We talked about an interesting personal exploration... change your posture and change your attitude.  Wow!? Think about that!

Ultimately, the practice of yoga is not a destination, but a continuous journey that transcends mere physical exercise. It is a lifelong exploration of self-discovery and growth.

By embracing its teachings and applying them diligently, we unlock the potential for lasting transformation and inner peace—a practice that accompanies us throughout our lives, always offering new insights and opportunities for growth.


016. “You breathe, you!”


014. Keep your mind steady!