020. Sniper breath!

In Sanskrit, "shasa" denotes something imposed from the outside, while "anushasanum" describes something that arises from the inside out. These concepts form the essence of the Yoga Sutras, where yoga teachings extend beyond the confines of the mat and become relevant for individuals of all backgrounds, not just yogis.

Unlike religion, which can feel imposed upon us, yoga invites us to explore our inner landscape and discover our true nature. This week, our discussions centred around seeing ourselves in our authentic essence. When we fail to recognize this truth, it's akin to viewing ourselves through a muddied mirror, clouded by misconception and illusion.

As we approach the end of the week, I invite you to try a simple practice that can anchor your mind in the present moment: box breathing. This technique is straightforward and easy to follow. It involves inhaling for three seconds, holding the breath for three seconds, exhaling for three seconds, and then holding the breath out for three seconds before repeating the cycle.

Consider incorporating box breathing into your weekend routine. Take a moment to observe how it affects your mind, fostering a sense of calm and clarity amidst life's fluctuations. This self-observation can deepen your understanding and engagement with the practice.


021. Painful, not painful.


019. The tornado; the movie in your mind!