019. The tornado; the movie in your mind!

The movie and tornado analogy offers profound insights into the nature of our minds. Like spectators in a cinema, we often find ourselves entranced by the unfolding drama of our thoughts and emotions, caught in the whirlwind of our mental turbulence.

Amidst the chaos, Patanjali's wisdom acts as a compass, leading us to a deeper understanding of our inner world. By recognizing the various influences shaping our consciousness—our mental, cultural, and familial conditioning—we can start to untangle ourselves from the movie's narrative.

Swami Satchidananda's teachings hold a key to our liberation. He urges us to recognize our true essence—the 'eternal peaceful you.' When we dwell in this essence, we transcend fear and uncertainty, finding solace in the calm depths of our being.

Conversely, when we lose touch with our inherent nature, we become trapped in the whirlpools of our mind-stuff, perpetually caught in the chaos of the mental tornado. To break free from this cycle, we are encouraged to anchor ourselves in the present moment, finding solace in the rhythm of the breath.

As we consciously connect with the breath, lifting the heart and expanding the crown of the head, we align ourselves with the eternal peaceful essence that resides within. In this state of expansive awareness, we discover the profound serenity of living in our own true nature.

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020. Sniper breath!


018. The movie of our life!